Fill in the form below to send Number Zero an email to relieve your mental stress after visiting The Dark Cave.
Application to be referred in order to receive help from "The Therapy Zone"
Application to be referred in order to receive help from "The Therapy Zone"
"Questions are a burden to others, answers a prison for oneself."
Number Zero
So, you thought Number One was the main man in the village.
But as any mathematician will tell you the number system starts at zero, not one.
The Romans did not have a mathematical concept of zero, which is why they made such a mess of numbering years, and why so many people celebrated the new millennium on 1 January 2000 instead of 1 January 2001. There is no year zero between 1BCE and 1CE. It also makes doing maths using Roman numerals so difficult.
I am Number Zero - the ultimate power in The Virtual Village.
I see that you have been to The Dark Cave, and encountered some of the mind-bending items there. I could make you wait until the next Orange Alert for the answers to the Lateral Thinking questions, but in a moment of uncharacteristic charity I have made the answers available to you. Simply use this form to ask!
What do you want? Information!!
© 2020 Kevin Cartwright